A steaming mug of black tea in front of a laptop. The mug is made of glass and is see-through.

8 Common Drinks That Stain Teeth

Avoid These Drinks for Stain Free Teeth

The enamel on your teeth may become discolored over time as certain drinks contain pigments, acids and tannins that cling to the enamel and dull your smile. Want to know how to stop this? Avoid these drinks for stain free teeth:

1. Red Wine

Red wine is perhaps the most notorious drink for staining teeth. It contains chromogens, which are intensely pigmented molecules that cling to enamel. Red wine’s dark tannins contribute to teeth turning shades of a purple-gray. Additionally, red wine is acidic, which can erode the enamel and make it easier for stains to penetrate. The combination of acid, tannins and dark color makes red wine a prime culprit for tooth discoloration. Cutting back on wine will help reduce stains on teeth.

2. Coffee

Coffee is another common drink that stains teeth, due to its dark color and high acidity. The tannins in coffee cause stains to build up over time, leading to a yellowish hue on the teeth. If you drink coffee daily, the staining effect is even more pronounced. Coffee can also ware away the enamel on your teeth over time, making it more likely that other staining drinks will leave their marks on your pearly whites.

3. Tea

Black tea is actually just as likely to stain your teeth as coffee. Black tea has high levels of tannins, which are responsible for the dark pigments that adhere to the tooth’s surface. Even lighter teas like green tea can cause staining over time, especially if consumed frequently.

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4. Sodas

Cola and other dark-colored sodas have various ways of staining your teeth. First off, they are packed with sugar and acids, which play a strong role in eroding the enamel on your teeth. Secondly, the dark pigments in sodas can leave your teeth looking dull and discolored. The combination of sugar and acid in sodas makes it easier for pigments to latch onto your enamel, exacerbating the staining process.

5. White Wine

It’s commonly known that red wine can stain your teeth. But did you know that white wine is also a culprit of staining? White wine is an exceedingly acidic drink that can erode and etch away at your enamel. Some experts believe that this acid can even create pockets on the surface of your teeth that can allow other staining substances to stain your teeth even deeper and darker.

6. Fruit Juices

Fruit juices, particularly those made from darker-colored fruits like berries, grapes or pomegranates, contain pigments that can easily stain teeth. Even though they are full of nutrients, the acidity of fruit juices can erode enamel and allow these pigments to stick to the surface of your teeth, leading to staining over time.

7. Sports Drinks

While most sports drinks aren’t actually dark in color or highly pigmented, they are highly acidic, which can weaken enamel and make it more porous. Once the enamel is weakened, it is easier for other foods and drinks to stain your teeth, leading to long-term discoloration.

8. Soy Sauce-Based Drinks or Marinades

Soy sauce, often used in savory dishes and marinades, is dark and sticky, which makes it a surprising contributor to tooth stains. Even if used sparingly, its pigments are difficult to remove from teeth, and over time, regular consumption of soy sauce-based drinks or sauces can lead to noticeable discoloration.

Looking for tips on how to remove stains from teeth? Check out these simple steps for a whiter smile.

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